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Category: Brut
Tags: collections, crop year, gift set, vintage
Bollinger 100th Anniversary Special Cuvee Champagne
$30.00 – $66.00
On the shelves of our wine store every gourmet can easily find a popular “budget” drink or rare and collectible item as well.
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Category: Brut
Tags: collections, crop year, gift set, vintage
Chardonnay Reserve – Chardonnay Reserve is a full bodied white wine. The color is gold with some light green nuances. At the nose it opens up with a strong peach jam bouquet followed by a light gardenia flavors and a sweet vanilla background. It is intense on the palate, smooth and coating with a sustained acidity and a clean finish. The aftertaste is long and extremely persistent.
pH – 3.5
Aging – 60% New French Oak 40% Stainless Steel
Additional information
brand |
Armand de Brignac |
country |
Italy |
gift-case |
yes |
size |
1.50L, 250m, 750m |
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